Register your SOS Talisman for free
Free registration is available for your SOS Talisman to make it easier for your SOS Talisman to be returned to you in case you lose it.
Register your SOS Talisman
Fill out the form below to register your SOS TALISMAN. Should your SOS TALISMAN be found without its information certificate inside, we will be able to provide any information you fill out below to the person who found it and either return it to you if it was lost or provide relevant emergency contact details or medical information in a medical situation.
This is a free and optional service which does not replace the need to have a fully completed information certificate inside your SOS TALISMAN to provide all the relevant information on the spot in a situation of emergency. Our customer service is open Monday to Friday from 9.00am to 6.00pm AEST on (+61) 03 9645 1933. We do not have an emergency contact number outside of these hours.