SOS Talisman
SOS Talisman is an internationally recognised medical information locket that can be worn as a bracelet, pendant or wristband. This unique medical ID bracelet does not require engraving or a membership as you can record all your medical and emergency details directly inside the waterproof locket.
In an emergency, when you may not be able to speak for yourself, SOS Talisman medical alert jewellery helps tell your story...
SOS TALISMAN is a patented invention from Switzerland, worn by millions of people around the world. It is much more than an elegant, distinctive, water and heat resistant locket. SOS TALISMAN records your name and address for urgent contact with your next of kin, doctor, friend; plus information for casualty/hospital registration, including vital medical particulars which can be life-savers.
SOS TALISMAN is an internationally recognised form of personal and health identification – in the event of an accident or sudden illness, wearing one could save your life. The locket-style talisman contains a unique information strip made from non-soluble paper for recording details such as blood type, allergies, medications and contact names, and numbers to assist emergency staff. The SOS TALISMAN is beautiful to look at, too!
The SOS TALISMAN contains vital information about the wearer in case of an accident or illness. Information about you is revealed on the spot, like:
• Your name
• Who to notify in an emergency
• Whether you have allergies
• Your blood group
• What medication you are using
• If you are a diabetic
• If you are a heart patient
• If you are pregnant
It's all detailed in a unique information strip of non-soluble paper that is securely contained in the SOS TALISMAN capsule. There is no need to call a number to retrieve the information as it is all there for on-the-spot identification. The information strip, or certificate, is included with every SOS TALISMAN purchased and replacement certificates are available here.
All the important people who come to your aid in an emergency will recognise the SOS TALISMAN. There are no language problems with the SOS TALISMAN – it's international! The information strip headings are in six languages and emergency staff are aware of SOS TALISMAN, so you have international protection when you wear this distinctive jewellery.
Many leading organisations officially recommend the SOS TALISMAN. For example; the St. John Ambulance in the U.K. and Canada, Red Cross in Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, Germany, Italy & Greece, etc. In Australia many of these types of organisations are actively involved in distributing the product. The Therapeutic Goods Administration advises patients with conditions including serious allergies, diabetes, epilepsy, specific heart diseases, deep vein thrombosis and asthma to use a medical identification device such as SOS TALISMAN.
Another good reason why you should select SOS TALISMAN, World's No. 1 emergency identification.
Life-saving identification
You'll quickly be identified by first responders in an emergency who'll instantly know your blood type, allergies, medications, contact names of next-of-kin and other vital information.
Top quality protection
Highest quality, Swiss made, stylish and comfortable and most importantly it's heat and water resistant, protecting your vital information no matter what the situation.
Safe wherever you go
Internationally recognised range with vital details listed in 6 different languages, so you can feel safe wherever you go.
Once-off investment
Information recorded on your SOS Talisman is easy to update and there's no membership required or ongoing fees.
Unfortunately, accidents do happen, and often when you are away from home. Time can then be vital; and that is what SOS TALISMAN is all about. On the multi lingual certificate that fits inside the unit, you fill in all your personal health details – vital if you are on medication, have an allergy or need special care, saving valuable time, unnecessary complications and costs.
Often handbags or wallets are lost or destroyed in an emergency situation, but with SOS TALISMAN your vital details are with you all the time. Whether you're at home, at work or overseas you'll have the confidence of knowing you're protected by SOS TALISMAN. Also, SOS TALISMAN is water and heat resistant so your information is protected at all times.
For more details, check out our User Guide.
Carey Dowson, survivor of a Deep vein thrombosis attack, talks about SOS Talisman.
• Finest Quality, Swiss Made
• Durable, Comfortable, Stylish
• Water and Heat Resistant
• Information is easy to update
• Replacement Parts Available
• Includes a Car Decal
• No membership required or ongoing fees
About the size of a 10c piece (23mm diameter, 5mm thickness), SOS TALISMAN is great for both adults and children.
Available in sterling silver and titanium (perfect for those with diabetes or allergies), and in stainless steel or gold plated, from $49.95.
Whilst each unit is the same, the method of attachment to your body offers the choice of:
Pendant worn on chain. Units are available in Stainless Steel, Gold Plated, Sterling Silver, or Titanium.
Bracelet worn around the wrist. The bracelet is available in Stainless Steel.
Wristband Unit available with attachment to 18mm or 12mm Black Nylon Plaited Band. Units are available in Gold Plated.
Spare Parts and Replacement Information Strips are always available.
Each SOS TALISMAN comes with a fitted information strip (or certificate). Additional information strips can also be purchased.
the 32cm multi-lingual certificate is made up of an insoluble fibre. Details should be typed or printed with a waterproof marking pen. When folded, it fits inside your SOS TALISMAN. In an emergency, anyone can unscrew the top, read your personal and health details and offer immediate correct assistance to save your life.